M&A, ESOP and Valuation Resources

Employee Ownership, If You Can Keep It: A Guide to ESOP Sustainability

Written by Kyle Wishing | May 15 2024

Upon exiting the United States Constitutional Convention in 1787, Benjamin Franklin was asked about the nature of the newly drafted Constitution. His response, 'A republic, if you can keep it,' resonates with the challenges of sustaining an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP). Just as maintaining a republic requires diligence and foresight, so does preserving an ESOP. This guide explores the critical concept of ESOP sustainability and outlines the steps to conducting a comprehensive ESOP sustainability study.


Challenges to ESOP Sustainability: Balancing Benefits and Complexities

While ESOPs offer a compelling package of benefits – succession strategy, liquidity, employee incentives, and business growth – ensuring their long-term sustainability requires careful planning and management.

Balancing Competing Priorities:

The initial decision to establish an ESOP is a strategic choice by the owner. It prioritizes the company's legacy and long-term success over short-term gains from a sale or wind-down. However, this commitment to sustainability requires ongoing effort:

Repurchase Obligations vs. Cash Flow: ESOPs have a legal obligation to repurchase shares from departing employees. This can strain cash flow, especially for growing companies that need capital for investment and expansion. Striking a balance between these needs is crucial.

Human Capital vs. Financial Capital: An ESOP company thrives on a motivated and knowledgeable workforce. Investing in employee communication and education about the ESOP is essential to cultivate a sense of ownership and responsibility. However, this must be done alongside careful financial management to ensure the company remains healthy.

Leadership and Strategic Alignment:

Leadership Continuity: Transitions in leadership can be disruptive for any company, but for ESOPs, it's critical to find leaders who understand and value the employee ownership model. They need to be able to navigate the unique challenges and opportunities presented by an ESOP structure.

Strategic Alignment: As the company grows and its goals evolve, the ESOP structure may need adjustments to ensure it continues to support the overall strategy. The initial design should be flexible enough to adapt to changing circumstances.

External Factors:

Market Fluctuations and Stock Price Volatility: The value of the company's stock directly impacts the cost of repurchasing shares. Economic downturns or industry changes can make this challenging. ESOP companies need strategies to manage these external risks.

An ESOP sustainability study is one way to assess the long-term viability and effectiveness of your ESOP. By identifying potential challenges and recommending solutions, a sustainability study can help your ESOP continue to deliver the optimal benefits for your company, including a motivated workforce, a competitive edge, and a path to long-term success.


Conducting an Effective ESOP Sustainability Study


ESOP companies face many of the same sustainability challenges that other private companies face—from ensuring leadership continuity to maintaining competitive advantages to managing cash flow. An ESOP sustainability study analyzes the plan’s design and administration, human capital, and financial capital to determine its likelihood of successfully meeting these challenges. The design and administration components coordinate the actuarial outputs from a repurchase obligation study with the economics of the business to create this detailed roadmap.


The process for conducting an effective ESOP sustainability study is not simple, but it is straightforward:


  1. Define your objectives. Clearly define the objectives of the study, which may include assessing the financial health of the ESOP, its impact on employee motivation and retention, its alignment with your company’s strategic goals, and its compliance with regulatory requirements.
  2. Collect comprehensive data. Gather financial data related to the ESOP, such as your company’s financial statements, valuation reports, and historical performance data. Soliciting feedback from management and employees can also help assess perceptions of the ESOP and its benefits.
  3. Perform financial analysis. Conduct an evaluation that analyzes the company’s financial performance and projections, the impact of the ESOP on the company’s balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow, and current and future financial conditions that may impact the ESOP. This will be a key component of your ESOP sustainability study.
  4. Assess risk. Identifying risks associated with the ESOP—including those related to changes in the company’s market position, industry trends, regulatory environment, and employee turnover—is essential for ensuring its long-term sustainability.
  5. Evaluate strategic alignment. An ESOP sustainability study will also assess whether the ESOP effectively supports your company’s growth, expansion, and long-term success and highlight any areas where adjustments may be needed to better align the ESOP with the company’s goals and overall strategic direction.
  6. Consider various scenarios. Scenario planning involves developing and analyzing different hypothetical scenarios to assess potential impact on the ESOP’s sustainability. These scenarios may include changes in market conditions, fluctuations in the company’s stock price, or changes in the regulatory environment and may involve company-specific initiatives such as M&A, divestitures, capex/R&D, or changes to plan design and administration.
  7. Make recommendations. A sustainability study should include recommendations based on its findings and formulated to address any identified issues in order to improve the ESOP’s long-term sustainability. Recommendations may include adjustments to the ESOP’s design or administration, changes to the company’s strategic direction, or improvements in communication and education efforts related to the ESOP.
  8. Implement and monitor changes. Finally, implement the study’s top recommendations, and monitor their impact over time. Regular monitoring and periodic reassessment are essential to ensure that the ESOP remains sustainable and continues to meet the needs of both the company and the employees.

Don’t Let Your ESOP Become a Relic of the Past


The US Constitution has thrived for over 235 years, yet, as Franklin noted, its success was never guaranteed. Similarly, an ESOP demands more than just establishment; it requires a proactive approach to ensure longevity. Don't just pass the torch—fuel it.


An ESOP sustainability study isn't just maintenance; it's an investment in a thriving future. Contact us today to see how such a study can help your company not only survive but flourish.